Instructions: Add the point totals for each line on page 1 from left to right (each line should total 10 points). Then add the point totals for each column on page 1 from top to bottom. The grand total for the three columns should equal 100 points. Repeat the process for page 2. Page 1 addresses “normal” situations. Page 2 addresses “conflict” situations.
When there is crisis, stress, or conflict:
The TRUE BLUE coping style (left column on instrument):
- Focuses on the relationship and gives it priority over everything else.
- Considers people more important than issues.
- Has difficulty attaining clarity and precision.
- Takes a reactive rather than proactive stance.
- Is extremely cautious.
- Avoids open conflict.
- Wants everyone to be happy.
- Is reluctant to and finds it difficult to enforce rules. ▪ Finds it difficult to give corrective feedback.
The RED HOT coping style (middle column on instrument):
- Makes decisions quickly and is confident about them.
- Talks in terms of should and oughts.
- Takes charge and gives orders.
- Ignores complexities associated with issues.
- Uses relationships to achieve goals.
- Believes conflict is normal and addresses it head on.
- Has limited patience.
- Has low tolerance for ambiguity.
- Judges people as being on their team or against them
The COOL GREEN coping style (right column on instrument):
- Approaches problems in an objective and analytical manner.
- Avoids confrontation and conflict.
- Relies on data and rational decision-making.
- Calculates likely consequences of events.
- Wants to examine all possible complexities of an issue before making decisions.
- Appears impersonal to others.
- Has a strong sense of fair play.
- Attends to details.
- Prefers to work independently.