Communicating Your Convictions

Primary Objectives: To help you put together a clear presentation of your personal testimony (for a non-Christian audience) by bringing clarity and organization to the events surrounding your conversion. Follow a three-point outline: (1) Life before knowing Christ. (2) How you came to know Christ (be specific). (3) Life after you received Christ (changes He has made, what He means to you now).

I. Before I became a Christian (or made Jesus Lord)

  1. What was my life like before I made Jesus Lord? Describe it in a way that communicates well to non-Christians. Don’t use religious terminology without explaining (i.e. “sinner”, “backslidden”, “d-time”, “Bible Talk”).
  2. What did my life revolve around? What did I get my security or happiness from? (Remember, the non-Christian is relying on something external to give him happiness-)
  3. How did those areas begin to let me down?

II. How I became a Christian (or made Jesus Lord)

  1. When was the first time I heard the gospel? Or, when was I exposed to dynamic Christianity?
  2. What were my initial reactions?
  3. When did my attitude about Christ and/or the gospel begin to change? Why?
  • Who were the people that God used in my life and how did they impact me to make Jesus Lord? (their example, character and efforts)
  1. What were the final struggles that went through my mind just before I became a Christian?
  2. What scripture helped me to make the decision to go ahead and make Jesus Lord of my life?

III After I became a Christian (or made Jesus Lord)

  1. Specific changes I have seen in my life since becoming a Christian (include a personal illustration).
  2. Why am I motivated differently? How does my relationship with Christ affect my decisions regarding activities, relationships, my future, etc.?


  • Write like you speak–make the testimony yours!
  • Consider your audience (their age, interests, goals in life, etc.)
  • Choose a theme. (Grace, Mercy, The Cross, Discipleship, the church, etc.)
  • Practice it several times until it becomes natural.
  • Time limit should be five minutes


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