Leadership Group: ___Elders ___Evangelists ___Deacons
*Next to each category, provide a rating from 1-5 with:
- – Strongly Disagree 2- Disagree 3- Uncertain 4- Agree 5- Strongly Agree
_____Cliques: subgroups of team members that exclude others;
_____Poor communication habits: lack of openness, reluctance to explore team members
concerns, unwillingness to truly listen
_____Inflexibility: team members’ dogmatically sticking to their perceptions and beliefs, even
in the face of contrary evidence
_____Lack of respect: concerns about team members’ competence, knowledge, or motives
_____Guarded information flow: excessive control of information and information process
_____Hidden agendas: objectives and expectations that are not freely shared with the team
_____Avoidance of conflict: lack of interpersonal confrontation about legitimate concerns
_____Backbiting: critical discussions of team members behind their backs
_____Backstabbing or sabotage: attempts to undermine the credibility or success of a team
_____“End-arounds”: avoiding or eliminating someone who should legitimately be involved in a decision, request, or communication
_____Inappropriate independence: stubbornly refusing to seek the input of other team members or to work toward consensus
_____Poor follow-through: failure to keep commitments or take agreed-on actions
_____Disinterest: displaying apathy, indifference, or inattention in team activities
_____Contradictory goals: team members heading individually determined and different directions
_____Responsibility gaps and overlaps: misaligned roles or behaviors
Elledge, Robin L. and Steven L. Phillips. Team Building for the Future. San Diego: Pfeiffer and Company, 1994 (Adapted)